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Title KISA to provide home page security enforcement program (Castle) from the 20th
Date 2009-03-28 Read 24508
Korea Information Security Agency (KISA, CEO Joong Yeon Hwang) has announced that they have developed home page anti-hackers program ’Castle’ and have recently started to disseminate it.

Home page hacking normally involves inputting commands that can detour user identification or uploading hacking tools on message boards to penetrate through the system. The 800 home pages that were attacked with malicious code in the first half of 2008 and the consistent SQL injection attacks since the last half all occurred by abusing the vulnerable aspects of home pages.

KISA developed ’Castle’ with the aim of preventing these vulnerable elements. It has been designed to suit each web-site development scrpt (ASP, JSP, PHP) so the web developer and manager can select the appropriate one for them.

KISA announced that they have structured the program so that it can be easily used even on the currently operating home pages by making only minimum changes, and after application, it strengthens protection against main web attacks, thereby improving home page security.

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