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Title Public information resources service
Date 2009-03-28 Read 23694
There will now be a form of business that shares extensive information amassed from the government and the society with government offices and private businesses and advances its method of use to create additional value of information resources.

Ministry of Public Administration and Security and National Information Society Agency (president Seang Tae Kim) announced on the 22nd that they will promote "national information resource open/share/cooperate-system business" which * opens/shares accumulation of national information resources in public sector in a service form * builds service distribution foundation between organizations in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) form * fuses the already open shared services to support creation of new business and value. - SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) : IT architecture that mutually ’connects’ and ’uses’ dispersed information, functions or systems so that anyone can use them.

This business will open/share information possessed by the government plus their work, service, hardware, software and facility resources in a standard service form, and find/develop 100 shared services that have high social ripple effect and public demands such as in disaster, traffic, climate, environment, physical distribution fields by 2012.

Furthermore, it plans to establish a share-infrastructure with high mutual application and safety so that many organizations can share/use various resources and work together effectively. To this end, it will also build foundations for distributing and managing services, such as national shared services registration repository, quality management system and government service bus.

In addition, it also plans to improve organization/system plus law/order to create an organic harmony of related institutions, develop sharing culture through publicity/education and perform governance work to activate shared services.
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