Title | 2014, The Year for ‘Creative Broadcasting and Globalization’ | ||
Date | 2014-02-17 | Read | 30094 |
2014, The Year for ‘Creative Broadcasting and Globalization’ - Secure overseas platforms and broadcast channels to market and carry Korean channels - Another leap forward of the Korean-Wave through raising license fees and innovating the advertising system - 24-hour monitoring of unlawful handset subsidies and doubling of penalty surcharge |
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방통위 업무보고 보도자료(2.17)_eng.hwp 방통위 업무보고 보도자료(2.17)_eng.pdf |
Prew | Briefing on the Results of the 7th KCC Meeting 2014 | 2014-02-14 | |
Next | Arirang TV Available at American Homes | 2014-02-19 |